december highlights

Christmas time is hands down my favorite time of year. I start getting excited for Christmas about mid-November and never look back! As a tribute to my favorite month, I thought I’d do a whole post over my favorite December moments. Go ahead and prepare yourself for photo overload!

We kicked off the Christmas season with a quick trip to Van, Texas to eat at one of our favorite little diners–The Dinner Bell–along with a visit to Santa Land. We love going around Christmas time to see all of the decorations inside and outside of the restaurant. Remington loved the decorations, but I’m not sure what he thought about the pictures we were taking! Just a little family dysFUNction. :)

dinner bell pic

yes, we really sent these out on our Christmas cards! ;)

yes, we really sent these out on our Christmas cards! ;)

These pictures are technically from our late Thanksgiving lunch but we wore our Christmas shirts and I couldn’t resist posting! I seriously cannot stop laughing at the second one..we’ll call it the leaf photo fail. Enjoy a good laugh at our expense!

me, Momma, & Alexa

me, Momma, & Alexa

straight from the "awkward family photos" archives..

straight from the “awkward family photos” archives..

sweet cheeks before his big boy hair cut

sweet cheeks before his big boy hair cut

One of my favorite pictures from this year! Classis Home Alone face.  Love this sweet, silly boy!

not surprised that this was my most liked photo on instagram this year

not surprised that this was my most liked photo on instagram this year

After Jarrett’s buddy, Cash, passed away we felt bad for Mayleigh being outside by herself all day. She became an inside dog and we haven’t looked back! She has been so great with Remington and it’s been fun to see how well they play together! Miss Mayleigh is very tolerant of Remi.

remi and mayleigh

Jarrett and I had a little getaway to Shreveport which was so nice! We rarely have time alone together where we’re just able enjoy each other and not have a never ending to-do list. We did a some shopping, eating, and hanging out and vowed to plan a little getaway more often.


This was our first year to do our little version of “Elf on the Shelf.” We loved having our elf visit from the North Pole. Remington kept telling us what a silly elf “Ninnymuggins” was.


I’m starting to notice a pattern with all of these quick trips! Another quickie to Dallas with Momma. Mom and I never get to shop together, much less spend the whole day alone. I loved it! Mom is always so organized with her Christmas lists so I had to get a pic of her checking it twice!

checking it twice

The yummiest Christmas Eve brunch & gift exchange at my in-laws house. Love this tradition!

christmas eve brunch

these two

2 and 92

90 years difference between these two!

funny boy

feeding reindeer

putting out reindeer food before bedtime!

Christmas morning was spent at my parent’s house. Remi’s reaction to all of his presents was one of my favorite things ever, but nothing could top him singing “Happy Birthday, Jesus” and playing his little guitar!

santa goodies

Remi said this was the "best, best present evahhh!"

Remi said this was the “best, best present evahhh!”

Late Christmas lunch at Nanny’s. We got to meet our sweet cousin, Amelia, for the first time. Remi is wearing boots and no pants in this picture…typical!


Christmas isn’t over until the rest of our family comes into town. Some crashed at our place and some at my mom’s, but I’m so glad we got to spend time all of them! Thanks guys, for spoiling Remi! We’re definitely going to miss y’all!

The Dobson family + Remi

more presents for Remi (!!!)

This picture is one of my favorites. My little younger cousin, Logan is a Marine. So proud of him! We’ve always told Remi that his little green Army men are called “Logan,” so to see him realize he was seeing the real life Logan was the sweetest thing ever!

sweet hugs

doesn’t this melt your heart?!

Remi found a new BFF

Remi found a new BFF

sweet family

sweet family

I got to try out some of my new Christmas makeup on the girls before they left town today. Had so much fun with them and I even woke up extra early…just for you Court!! :)


we're obsessed with Rose Gold pigment!!

we’re obsessed with Rose Gold pigment!!

Finally, Christmas with Auntie LoLo! Now to figure out where to put all of Remi’s new toys!

lolo christmas

I hope all of you had a blessed Christmas season. I am looking forward to what 2014 holds for The Langes and for all of you!

