sweet spring pictures

What can I say? I got a little snap-happy with my Mom’s fancy camera {I’m still learning how to use it…maybe one day I’ll be better} and tried to pick my absolute favorite photos of Remi. This child MELTS MY HEART! He was so much fun yesterday and we had a blast taking his pictures. I’m pretty sure his SuSu {my mom} had something to do with all of those sweet little grins! I hope everyone has a fantastic Easter weekend!

P.S. You should be able to click on one of the pictures and then scroll through them individually if you want to view them larger!

It is written: Christ is risen! Jesus, You are Lord of ALL!

Until next time,


best friends + a bachelorette party

I’ve been told I needed to write a blog post. It’s been WAY too long! I got so caught up in everything going on around me {hello wedding & baby shower season!} that I haven’t even had time to write until now. Jarrett took Remi to my inlaws for the day. J is fixing fences and gardening…just being the country boy that I love. Remi is spending time with his grandmother, great grandmother, and aunt. Being spoiled, no doubt! When J asked me what I was going to do today I just looked at him. Number one, I hadn’t had my coffee yet and I only had one eye open. Number two, I never know where the day will take me when I’m kid-free. Typically to Walmart. Exciting, huh?! It drives my husband crazy that I don’t plan out every minute of my life but I cannot live like that. I need down time. I need time to cuddle with Remi. I need quiet time with God. Some people need to stay busy. They thrive on it. That is so not me. I’m like the tortoise…slow and steady. Sometimes it’s good for me to stay busy. I enjoy a change of pace every now and then, but lately:

I’ve been going, going, going to the point where I just felt gone.

Things got busy around the beginning of last week. I had a house to clean and decorate for my friend’s bachelorette party. Thanks to my awesome husband who knows how stressed I get and how big of a deal it is for me to have company, the house cleaning went pretty smoothly. We even did “crazy” spring cleaning things like washing the outside of the windows and vacuuming the baseboards. OK, maybe it’s not so crazy, but if you know me you know I prefer to spend my time doing other things.  As the week progressed I got to spend time with my girlfriends. These girls are my fellow bridesmaids {and Bride} and biffles BFFAEAEAE partners-in-crime since body glitter and the Backstreet Boys were cool. We’ve had some fun times, us four. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of embarrassing pictures of us. We started calling ourselves “MELK” around eighth or ninth grade {Megan, Emily, Layna, Kelsey} and it stuck.


It really is a rare, but special occurrence for all of us to be together now. In preparation for Megan’s party {Meg is the shorty with dark hair} we shopped, laughed, ate, shopped, decorated, planned, cooked, shopped and celebrated. One thing that was so special about this week {besides everything} was getting to hang out with Emily. Emily and I have been friends since the first grade.


circa 1997

There’s a funny little story behind that, but I basically forced her to be my “best friend forever”  and I think she was too scared to say no! I have been so blessed by her friendship in my life and I’m glad she didn’t go running for the hills when she first met me! Although our lives have taken us worlds apart {I’m being dramatic–she lives in New Hampshire & I live in Texas} we can always pick up where we left off. Emily is my sweet, free-spirited little hippie girl. Everyone that knows her can’t help but love her.


I could go on and on about these girls…that will have to be another blog post! Enough about the sappy stuff—let’s get to the good stuff—the bachelorette party! We played around with a few ideas for themes and couldn’t come up with anything that really stuck, so we decided on a “Megan’s Favorites” theme. After a few weeks of Layna, the other bridesmaids, and I corresponding through text, Facebook, and the occasional face to face meeting, we basically just threw a bunch of random decorations together with some food. {Kidding} We had fun recalling her favorite snacks and remembering all the memories to go along with them. Is it weird that we actually have memories tied to food? Maybe.


Somehow we failed to get pictures of all the food and decorations after we set up. This is the only picture I snapped before we got everything ready and got ourselves ready to PAR-TAY! The food was set up on the {vintage} vanity in front of the window & on the shelves of the hutch. It was so cute! We had {Megan’s favorite} chocolate covered strawberries, people puppy chow, Velveeta dip, cupcakes from Bake, and various other snacks. Not your typical Bachelorette party food, but so “Megan!” Of course, no party would be complete without displaying embarrassing pictures of the guest of honor because that’s how we roll! {Contact Layna if you ever need funny pics of Meg! She has the motherload!} We also set up a photo backdrop on one of the living room walls so we could take “photo booth” pictures. Our backdrop was just a bed sheet and .99 cent streamers hung vertically. Definitely a must for any party—so easy and so much fun!


Isn’t Megan’s fanny pack fabulous? We thought so too!

the banner we painted "Bling Bling Meg's got the ring"

the banner we painted “Bling Bling Meg’s got the ring”

We went out for a little bit of dancing and painting the town, then came back to the house to play games and let Megan open her gifts. {Side note: If you’ve never heard of the Kleenex box/ping pong ball game, look it up. It’s hilarious.} We secretly conspired with the groom to embarrass Megan with a game of Groom Trivia. We’re sweet. We asked Megan’s fiancé to answer a series of questions earlier in the week and recorded his answers. We then had Megan see if she knew his answers. For every wrong answer she had to chew a piece of bubble gum. Let’s just say we lost count of how many pieces of gum she had in her mouth. It was one of my favorite parts of the night!

Warning: disgustingly large piece of chewed bubble gum in the next picture!


































Overall, we had a blast, stayed up way too late, and had to be up bright and early for Meg’s Bridal shower the next morning! I definitely can’t hang like I used to. It took me a good three days to recuperate. I was so tired and I definitely missed Remi during the week, but it was so nice to spend time with all the girls! Thanks again, Whitney for coming to celebrate us! I hope we didn’t scare you away!




Meg & her bridesmaids…Surprisingly, no dark circles under our eyes!







Congratulations to Megan and Ryan! Less than a month until the big day!

Until next time,



It seems like each time I post on a different topic I gain new readers. I love the fact that my blog can hopefully be well-rounded. I’ve posted recipes, ideas, beauty tutorials, and pictures of my family. This morning I want to do something a little different. Why not talk about the Creator of all of these wonderful things in my life? I’m going to share with you exactly what I wrote in my journal this morning after my quiet time with God. Maybe some of you can relate.

Yes, once again I’ve been behind on my daily Bible plan {a She Reads Truth plan from the You Version Bible app}. I always struggle with consistency and it angers me. Today, I thought about not even doing the reading plan because I was irritated with myself and didn’t want to be reminded that once again I didn’t measure up to my own expectations. Today’s reading plan {I’m over a week behind, so really Feb. 26th reading plan} was perfect. It’s from Exodus and deals with the Israelites’ weariness. After watching The Bible {amazing History Channel series} last week, I have been so enthralled with the story of Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. How perfectly did God work these details together for my good? He knew I would be reading this very plan today. He knew I would be questioning myself and be weary with my own bad habits. He knows that sometimes I’m just a little too comfortable hanging back in the crowd and I don’t want to be stretched.

It’s so comforting to serve a God that knows my every move or even thought ahead of time. He works all things together for my good. I don’t have to be perfect and I know He’s not finished with me yet. I love this line from today’s plan:

“Let us quiet our hearts and watch as God, full of grace, fights daily for our hearts. And wins.


I hope you all enjoy a lazy Spring Break Saturday. I should be cleaning for next weekend {I’m hosting my girlfriend’s Bachelorette party at my house WHAT, WHAT?!} but instead I think I’ll continue drinking coffee to my heart’s content and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Mr. Remi. I’ll clean tomorrow!


I don’t think he’s worn a bib in 6 months. It makes me laugh to see him in one!


She wants in. He wants out. It’s nice in Texas today. I think we’ll play outside!


I guess Remi and Mickey are having a tea party with the bunnies.


Until next time,


DIY lasting manicure tutorial

What is it about a manicure that just makes a girl feel pretty? I still remember my first set of acrylic nails and pedicure. I spent some time in Dallas with my aunt and uncle the summer before 5th grade. My aunt always loved to spoil me and I loved being spoiled! One day we went for mani’s & pedi’s before meeting my uncle for lunch. (Isn’t it amazing how I can remember these details considering how forgetful I am?) I was probably wearing my new threads from Limited Too, butterfly hair clips and matching powerbeads bracelet because I was cool like that. Anyways, the time came for me to pick what color I wanted my toenails to be painted and I panicked. I chose some bright neon orange which seemed awesome at the time; however, not so much when it didn’t match the rest of the clothes I packed! When I came home from my week with my aunt and uncle, I was sent home with an envelope of money to get my nails “filled.” I had no clue what that meant, but it sounded important. I excitedly told my mom what the money was for and I think she might have rolled her eyes. She was probably thinking No daughter of mine is going to be a diva! Well, that’s exactly what my Aunt Debbie created. :) I was hooked! I loved getting my nails done {mainly for special events} because I just felt beautiful. Now that I’m a mom I don’t have the time {or take the time} to get my nails done. My husband always tells me to get my nails done {he just wants his back scratched!} but I don’t anymore. I’d rather use the $35 for something else. I’m sounding more and more like my mother! {Love you, Mom!}

After looking at my unpolished nails for far too long, I decided to paint them.  {I act like this is a huge deal, but for me it is—I hate not using my hands while the polish dries!} Why not take a few minutes of my time to do something for myself that makes me feel a little bit prettier? I learned a few tips in cosmetology school {No, I didn’t graduate. Yes, I make beauty school dropout jokes about myself. Laugh it up!} and wanted to share my easy four step process. So, for all of you folks out there wanting a quick, lasting manicure, read on.


  • Nail Polish Remover
  • Cotton balls
  • Base Coat
  • Colored Polish
  • Top Coat
  • Optional: quick dry spray, orange stick, moisturizer, cuticle oil


Assuming you’re not like me and actually take care of your hands and cuticles {or wear cute little gloves to do the dishes}, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, slather on some lotion & gently push your cuticles back with an orange stick. File the edge of your nails if needed.

  1. First, take a cotton ball with some nail polish remover and go over each fingernail. This is such a simple step that many people don’t do, but it’s the best way to remove the top layer of oils on your nails which promotes better nail polish staying power.
  2. Next, apply a good base coat. {I like China Glaze Strong Adhesion Base Coat} Don’t purchase a product that says “base and top coat”. Your base coat and top coat should be two completely different products. A base coat has a slightly tacky finish which gives the nail polish something to hold on to. Trust me on this one—the 2-in-1 products are not worth it because they can’t do two different jobs.
  3. Now, you can apply your colored polish. Don’t be like me and pick a weird color. I always regret my color choice, but I’m actually enjoying the color I picked this time! {OPI A-Taupe The Space Needle} The best way to get a good color payoff is to apply a thin layer of polish, let it dry, and apply another thin layer. Typically, you want to only use three strokes of the brush for each nail {one for the center & one for each side} per coat, resulting in two coats of colored polish. Did I lose you there?
  4. Finally, apply a top clear coat to your nails. I’ve been using Revlon Extra Life No Chip Top Coat with good results. If desired, you can finish by spraying your nails with a nail dry spray like the one pictured below {purchased at Sally Beauty Supply} and applying some cuticle oil.


 opi nail polish a taupe the space needle swatch

opi nail polish a taupe the space needle swatch

I’m sure I’ve missed something and I could definitely go into detail about the actual painting of the nails, but this is my simple four step mani that I give myself. Once you get all of the steps down, it’s a breeze. Of course, I waited until right before we left for my cousin’s couples shower {Congrats Blake & Tori!} this weekend and didn’t have time to snap any pictures, so I did that today. I painted them Saturday evening and I have to say they don’t look too shabby after our crazy weekend! It never fails that I smudge the tip of at least one of my nails before they are completely dry! A weird, but tried and true tip is to lick the smudge! I know it sounds crazy, but it really works. It blends that nasty smudge right back in and doesn’t look any worse for the wear! I hope you enjoyed this simple little beauty tutorial. It’s crazy to me how so many people don’t know these little tricks, but I’ve always loved hair, makeup & nails for as long as I can remember! I guess some things are just second nature to people. Leave me some feedback in the comment section and let me know if there’s something you’d like me to write about. I look forward to bringing you more beauty tutorials–especially simple ones for busy moms, working women, and students alike. {Maybe even some dads out there that aren’t afraid to paint their daughter’s nails?}


What’s your go-to nail polish color?


Until next time,



I’m linking to Big Hair and Books Way Back Wednesday link up.

Big Hair and Books