easy, breezy summer style

Here in Texas we’ve been hitting 90 degrees before noon. I always try to dress for comfort–especially in the sweltering heat. In fact, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in a t-shirt and shorts 85% of the time, but there are also times that I want to look a little more put-together. I love dresses because they’re so easy. I’m never too great at putting separates together, but a dress requires no extra thought. Give yourself a cute little side braid, toss on a fedora and some stylish earrings and you’re good to go. No one has to know that you only spent 5 minutes getting ready!

easy, breezy summer style



 Whitney Port image source

how to style camo skinnies

Camo. You love it or you hate it. In this family, we love it. Not in a Mossy-Oak-living-room-furniture kind of way {although my husband would be totally for it}. But it’s definitely a common pattern seen in our home due to my man’s outdoors-y ways and my little boy’s desire to copy all things Daddy related. I, however, prefer to put a more fashionable spin on things. I spotted a pair of camo skinnies at Marshall’s during the holidays and fell in love. They’ve become a staple in my wardrobe and I love seeing how many different outfit combos I can come up with. Dress them up, dress them down–these babies are my new faves! {Sorry, yoga pants.} I’m a pretty casual gal so I wanted to share with you how I normally style my camo skinnies. I tried to find products that were most similar to what I have so ignore the price tag on those pants! I promise you I didn’t pay over $35 for mine!
casual in camo

H M blue top
$34 – hm.com

Mossimo grey shirt

R13 brown skinny jeans
$580 – donnaida.com

Converse sneaker

Charlotte Russe brown purse

Would you ever wear camo pants? How would you style them?
xo, Kelsey